New Leaders Training

New Leaders Training (NLT) is an intensive experience in which participants explore their own identities and the systems they are part of, and learn how to develop and lead SEED seminars in their communities, organizations, and institutions and foster wholeness, wellness, and just relationship for everyone.

New SEED leaders attend either a week-long residential session in person during the summer, or a 12-week program that meets virtually in either the spring or fall.

View dates and locations for upcoming sessions

What can I expect during New Leaders Training?

Personal growth

(self work)

Participants will engage with other new leaders in a journey of self-reflection and increased social justice awareness while committing to wholeness, wellness, and just relationship for all. They will have conversations in a supportive and justice-seeking space about their individual experiences of teaching, learning, and practices at work, and see how putting people at the center of their own professional development can more effectively nurture the growth and development of others.

Building connections

(moving beyond the self)

New leaders will work with the SEED national team and SEED co-directors, who represent various identities, disciplines, and institutions. They will connect personal experiences of culture, diversity, oppression, and privilege with the systems of which they are a part, using challenging and transformative interactive exercises and conversations.

Enacting change

(leading for change)

Participants will discover key SEED resources, concepts, and strategies that are designed to facilitate social change. They will learn how to create and lead SEED seminars that engage members in transforming their own communities, organizations, and institutions into more equitable, aware, and informed spaces.

What will my training look like?

In-person New Leaders Training includes 70 hours of in-person work on site and 20 additional hours of independent work.

Virtual New Leaders Training includes a two-hour Zoom call and six additional hours of independent work each week.

Participants receive a detailed schedule before the training begins.

What happens after New Leaders Training?

After completing New Leaders Training, participants will apply their learning to create an ongoing SEED seminar specifically designed for their own community, organization, or institution during the academic year.

They will:

Design a seminar involving experiential, interactive exercises and discussions often stimulated by readings and films. The seminar will allow colleagues to engage in conversations with the intention of moving towards change.

Coordinate seminars for at least eight, but preferably 15 to 25, colleagues. Traditionally, SEED seminars have been three hours once a month for nine months, but alternative models have also worked effectively.

Facilitate for at least 25 hours total, in sessions of at least 90 minutes over at least 10 weeks.

SEED provides ongoing, year-round resources and support for SEED leaders as they learn, grow, and develop their own seminars.

Apply Now

Find dates and deadlines for upcoming New Leaders Training sessions, as well as the online application and required site support form.

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