Alex Leonard


My journey with SEED felt like happenstance. After a meeting with the Director of Diversity and Equity in our school district, she told me about the National SEED Project and offered the funds for me to attend if I was interested. Even after applying and being accepted I still had no clue what SEED was all about New Leaders Week, changed everything for me. In my SEED Cohort I was able to explore other parts of my identity, examine my beliefs and what shaped them, and be challenged by others to grow and learn. I had never been around so many brilliant and passionate people and so many were educators! Sharing our stories was healing and transformative. I found friends for life! I also found a supportive community in which I would be challenged to grow.

As I returned to Minneapolis I sought to plant those same SEEDs in my community. Years later it is still growing. What I have grown to appreciate most about SEED is the bonds that are formed in sharing our stories. Our stories are the heart of who we are, and where we can learn so much about ourselves. Through the process of SEED I believe we are given an opportunity to practice love, courage, patience and empathy, for ourselves and others.

I look forward to meeting the new SEED Leaders, listening, learning and sharing.